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  • my bed quilts
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July 21, 2023
Swoon Block #6 from Crayon Box Quilt Studio

 I've completed a few more blocks for my Swoon quilt.  This is block #6.

Choosing the fabrics to use for each block is really a lot of fun.

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January 6, 2023
Swoon Quilt Block #5 from Crayon Box Quilt Studio

Block #5 for my Swoon quilt is done.













Don't these prints look great together?

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January 5, 2023
Swoon Quilt Block #4 from Crayon Box Quilt Studio

 I finished another project on my To Do list so I got to make the next block for my Swoon quilt.

Four done, 8 more to go.  I'm thrilled with my progress so far.  This rewarding myself system is working well.  I just may continue to use it throughout the year to make sure I always make time for my own sewing projects.

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December 29, 2022
Swoon Block #3 from Crayon Box Quilt Studio

I've completed another project on my To Do list (I can show it yet as it's a gift) so I was able to reward myself with making another block for my Swoon quilt. 

These are so fun to make.  Lucky for me I've also completed 2 other projects so I'll be working on 2 more Swoon blocks soon.

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December 27, 2022
Swoon Quilt - Block #2 from Crayon Box Quilt Studio

Once I put the final stitches in the binding on my Bella's Garden quilt, I got to reward myself by making another block for my Swoon quilt.



Aren't the colors so pretty?

I've got a long way to go on this project but I'm already getting a little excited.

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December 26, 2022
Swoon Quilt - Block 1 from Crayon Box Quilt Studio

 I've always wanted to make a Swoon quilt. I bought the pattern and the fabric many years ago.  And then it was another project that sat sitting on the shelf.












This past summer, there was another Swoon quilt along aka Swoonalong and I had hoped to join in, even if I wasn't able to keep up with the schedule.  Well it didn't happen at all, but the pattern and fabric stack was still on the corner of my cutting table....tempting me.

Recently I decided to start on this quilt, but only as a reward to myself ...

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Bella's Garden from Crayon Box Quilt Studio

I'm sure you've heard the old saying "the shoemakers' kids have no shoes". That's what it's been like here, at least regarding our own bed.  While I've made plenty of snuggle quilts that reside on the couch and get used by all of us regularly, our own bed was neglected for far too long.

I'm a little embarrassed to show you the "before" picture but I'm so happy with the end result that I want you to see the huge difference my new quilt makes.


I had purchased this quilt from a store ...

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March 26, 2021
Where have I been? from Crayon Box Quilt Studio

 I don't think any blogger means to not post for almost 2 months.  Certainly I don't but sometimes life gets in the way of things we want to do.  What have I been up to lately?

Sunshine hasn't had any motivation to work on the new quilt for her bed so when I asked if she wanted help, she readily said Yes.  At the rate she was going, this quilt was never going to get done.  All of the blocks are sewn and I'm working on adding the faces before I add the sashing and border ...

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May 10, 2020
My Bella quilt - the beginning from Crayon Box Quilt Studio

Happy Mother's Day!
While the weather in many other parts of the country is beautiful and people can enjoy lots of time in the beautiful outdoors, here today it is colder and still really windy so I'll be staying in.

After a lovely breakfast made by my family of Belgium waffles with fruit and whipped cream and a side of bacon, I've decided today I'm going to just do something for me.  No working on customer quilts, no making masks for others, no finishing up a quilt that will be donated.  Instead I'm going to ...

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  • my bed quilts
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